Saturday, May 30, 2020

two for tanrenku

two unhappy walkers
with death thoughts
do the platypus dance
while clouds queue 
to refund a blue sky

weak sun 
the space between earth 
and the boy’s feet

each step uncovers
hidden water walkways 
hot streams 
pour into teacups 
of synchronized symphony 

even though 
it is plastic
you kiss the octopus

forsaken by my demons 
a glimmer emerges -
stars on a clear night
within the doubt’s shadow
an indifferent symmetry

dramatic statements
regarding war
and you
not even knowing 
how to say hi to her

down green grass
tanks tread on
the rainbow’s end

this morning 
pain becoming 
the snow melting 
over the sound 
of a woodpecker

bark dust flies
ATVs shower
the picnic table

10  the sound of water
   boiling over
   from the lentil pan
  a light covering 
  of snow

beneath the sea
bleached coral
cooks for dinner
while sea urchins settle 
mouths closed

later that day
the whale
eats your whole family

on the boardwalk
a leviathan throws
the shell game
seagulls cry
for favorable winds

moving into 
another time 
and then opening 

from an old suitcase 
mithras pretends
to sew gold armor 
but light grows dim
at tunnel’s end

in the cafe 
that reminds you 
of a film set
drinking coffee 
that tastes like shit

grey cigarette ash
floats slowly down
the deep elevator shaft

putting the ants back 
a shark
in reverse 
willow catkins

caterpillars drop
from the sky
barcoded for sale

20 snow moon 
   while you were 
   in the womb 
  a movie tried 
  to kill you

deserted streets
fast food wrappers
near brownstone steps
abandoned hopscotch 
as the city wheezes

weighing her heart 
he feels 
a certain emptiness

calliope steam 
fuels elephant dreams 
of midnight strokes
on circus straw dust
with hyena laughs

your life a folly 
the rain and then
the rain

taps on a tin roof
bugles for crows
blow a dirge 
to circle around 
the smell of decay

in an ode 
to patriotism
on this hill 
you put your arm 

loosely tied
the tourniquet 
sinks in a fjord

not acknowledging 
your jealousy 
cleaning its face 
with fresh snow
the cat

with subtle disdain
a frozen peach
warms itself

30  clear morning
    a spotlight follows the jogger 
    around the shoreline
    hidden in Egg
    a naked lady

hidden garden
a fecund scent
around my head
with a moan
the world dissolves

after spitting teeth 
you find the courage 
to walk all day

bleached, crumbing
an empty street
rumbles and shakes
tree squirrels
pause and wait

asking for owls
the child
as a birch

cold north winds
rustle dying trees
on newly-formed deserts
a cold cup of coffee
with starving fox eyes

rolling upwards
messenger of lords 
a stone
putting itself back
the black stripe

behind skunk ears
naval oranges
contemplate toes

occult plank
all that remains 
of the hockey game
the thought of dying 
under a train

hungry waves
winds blow from
deep trenches 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

thoughts for food

does a firefly sandwich still satisfy?
west winds, south winds it's all grain to you.

returning seven times to the app, do you sow the nightjar's eyes? 
within the viper’s nest an earthworm’s meditative encasement

where is the bill for rainbow’s end?
swimming upstream with the trout

what colour will we paint the sunset, chief? 
the next god will swirl the cosmic latte more

will you fall into the galaxy without conscience?
yes and the goose feather too

can you pass me the bus timetable, please? 
with great solitude a small school of fish

why not the intrinsic moment of quiet desperation?
my hands were becoming little - they were big

the mouth was full, could you repeat that?
eating larvae the joy of koi surfaces

does the mudslide spoil your dinner?
i could think of nothing more to fill the void

10     cactus or cat puss, your call sire?
another sauerkraut face caked with candy floss

maybe reconsider your weight gain on Jupiter?
nothing but carp scales to counting calories 

are you sure about the pancreas? 
it matters not what you say about spinach

the case of whine with no doubt?
popeye, yes, but pinot grigio of the mind

cirrocumulus or cirrostratus, olive oyl?
within the eye of horus amethyst teardrops

want to run down the toilet paper of time?
yes, but please don't wipe your bum on a pyramid

wanted by the fbi, do you watch that 10 part Michael Jordan documentary?
only if the flying squirrels come home to roost

what is the meaning of that chocolate-covered banana?
potassium - a small infinity but an infinity nonetheless

will you clean the coffee pot?
for a small fee we bury the entire body

where is the pocket croissant hidden?
i last saw him in padiham in the bookies off main street

20  can you get me some fertiliser? 
    after the fan shits then hits a home run

is melba toast really a necessary way to travel?
my eyes the coffins of her shirt tails

is that a cloud of malt extract over adelaide? 
with a nosedive she snorts ice cream sundae

whatever happened to the no return points of light?
on the underside of the coin a tiny man paints a tiny white bronco

six hours before the shift - do you want some orange juice?
with mourning threat the working paradigm fades to black

finding a black quarter would you backflip?
dominatrix partridge ate the evil rex

have you got the book on pear trees? 
under the outer skin a skein of blackbirds

perhaps the clown shoes need more spit polish?
the moon a vision of hand rub

where does wood alcohol go when it dies? 
after a strong cut the beaver lowers his chain saw

why do weeping trees uplift all the spirits?
the salad days of salad memories

30 can we please talk about the vinegar? 
of course the sour cream is all attitude of crows

no need to remember what the lizards said?
the song that brought about regicide

purple on purple?
counting backwards as sand through toes

will you find the snail slime end?
bird feathers for clouds underfoot lasagna but blue

is there no way to kill the apes?
understand why the nautilus shelled a flying fish

how did penny loafer misuse cause the crash?
of course my nose is supposed to be bleeding

are the wife and kids ok? 
dolphin doubts remain the last cruel intentions

which glass seas shatter on the purple horizon?
pacific, indian, atlantic all the salt anatomies i sing for myself

reincarnation - canned aubergine or carnations? 
a mad cow reblends the cannibal’s brainpan

by what reasoning do you follow the zigzag?
in 1793 he made that jump shot

40 faced with the natural curve of time - when do we go to the strip mall? 
under a veil the scream of robin’s egg blue turns cold

to which problem applies a discordant algorithm of sand?
you say apple blossom i say the cloud that sees us all

any frittata left, bro? 
a bloated piƱata scowls at the crime scene forensics 

exactly where did you find the licorice gun?
we stole his shoes - but i won't talk about the ammunition

aim high or low? 
navel gazing i find the universe of lint

perhaps earwax made the stars brighter?
they should have built the statues with sand

push the ant? 
just make sure to brush it off later

will you water walk eating that caramelized onion?
red, white, spring all of them underfoot 

i just walked on the soul of a creme brulee is that not enough?
the sweet cheeks chipmunk ravages a picnic basket

where’s the shame in flicking a checkered past tablecloth?
the night sky reimagined as her gingham dress 

50 how much for the night hawk's olfactory organs? 
your credit card rejected by a hare’s breath

no badge? then please where are your papers?
i've got the logbook for a mark 2 fiesta

if these aren't dahlias then why are we making a blood sacrifice?  
due to high demand all the sheep lay down to sleep 

did you find that waxed penny under the ski jump?
not for nothing our brazillian credit

i lost?
you’ll find remuneration in the lockbox

when will bow ties see the end?
a formality - the wind changes your face

heart, tongue or check? 
a pocket watch drops down the rabbit hole

what took a shit in your top hat?
doves - they mistook it for the marinara trench 

did woodrow wilson just offer us a magic trick? 
from the crooked mustache a black man dies

when you grow up, will you be a firefly?
it really does depend upon the fertility rites 

60 which way will we walk over the papaya? 
from left to right witch #1 always comes first

with what do you garnish dandy lion meat?
grandma sent herbs from her cottage garden

do you know where i left the pan? 
that bread loaf reclines just outside the window 

did those magic fish multiply the hurricane’s force?
a cough and a sneeze for scales

the metric weight of mice eyes? 
a jar of cheese whizzes by your head

has it come to this mourning dove coma?
it's all sugar in Bologna 

can we put the bricks back now?
for a small fee anyone can ring their chimes

assuming sentience where do opossums play?
i watched them once in the yeast extract

b12 or the m1 north? 
since you asked another rigged game explodes

do our limited monkey brains risk detonation?
the kids left for the europa

70 is your tooth sore?
only when I laugh track it

did you exterminate all the bats in your belfry?
sowed them with our dream on the moor 

will the sitcom get another season? 
funny thing with light paprika dust

which smoky mind clouds the starship performance?

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

to the never end end

between the lines
steam cleaning
the aardvark suit

insect eggs
your metallic skin 

a short distance
from prosperity peace
to the gallows tree

makeshift morgue 
her legs 

in the treasure cave
a cache of lipstick

6 hand me downs 
  a tree clown 
  eats a lemon

snake bitten apple
she picks licorice
from her teeth

crocodile handbag 
the rhododendron glitching 

in the sacred grove
ancestors tell me
how to feel alive

with no cure in sight 
you tie your feet 
to a birch

that bacon-smoked smell
the other cheek turns

12 images of mars 
    after he falls 
    you hold his head

behind the backyard fence
weed death dreams
up in smoke

last stop on the bus route 
the top of a goose’s head 

from a great height
liver pate consumes
the hot summer morning

the virus
nothing but two clocks
eating a sandwich

earth’s last cream pie
in the face of global warming

18   soft oblivion 
    all the b-roll 
    full of cactus

what a prickly start to the fan fair
some baseballs
more equal than others

beyond neptune 
a ceasefire 

from the lower clouds
ball lightning
sinks the 2nd rebound

cold morning
full of clouds
your twitter feed

inside the dimensional interstices
droopy dali pocket watches

24  broken clock 
    learning the terror 
    of being

cut out of the herd
time to pause
the stockyard

in the child’s sandpit
a bee makes a nest

underarm deodorant
a sardine can
gurgles then sinks

tomato infinity 
all the small yellows
in bloom

without orchid violence
the shining path resigns itself

30   as he goes by
    the vinegary smell 
    of ink

dressing down a salad
to give up
the last leaves

she being alive

synchronized quantum spin
interstitches a new universe
in no time

egg sand 
to catch the breeze 
with a breeze

down the flatulent wormhole
a mother cries the toast is ruined

36 sauna coals 
   you fall in love 
   with the ant god

facing trails of flame
a short walk
into the sun

we imitate the problems
of orange squids

dilemmas of choice
the monkey brain
picks at time lice

white whale 
searching for 
a childhood movie

imagine a gossamer web flicker
bargain basement prices on mr. soul

42  winter blossom 
   of his love

buried in snow
boundaries break
a runny nose

behind the mourning couple 
teenagers playing frisbee 

spinning plates
on a pine log
run home

whilst dropping fish 
the plane 
has second thoughts

throughout the flight
double fast heartbeats

48 turning on ice
   the sound 
  of a million insects

ears buzzing 
locust bean 
gummy bears drum

positioning his arms 
to augment his biceps

slippery slope
come to arrest
the child’s play

chalk cliffs
the dna 
of bananas 

from the monkey mind
a chaotic leap of faith

54 standing on 
  the dealer’s head 
  you kill an ant

inside the smokehouse
John Philip Sousa
strangles a duck

from the bird hide 
a deep sense of shame 

polar bears cry
the hot sun
burns back

tangerines and sea air
your heart eaten 
by a giant monster

as the bombshell smokes
another spent wad ejects

60 inside the melon 
   you find a tuna fish slowly 
   but happily swimming

apple worms play to no applause 
the whole-note
truncated symphony

your right leg 
becoming Mexico

border wall
a desert eagle

cutting yourself up 
one kilo at a time 
the last person forgets you

with an edge cut
the mirror sneezes

66 late winter sky
   the metal hand railings 
   on this old tram.

as a whistle blows
the last dime

he leans over the train track 
and spits

winds rage
the last passage
opens up

the selling of shade
the lion’s stripes 
becoming your chest

from earthly bowels
a hairspray flatulence

72  your miserable life
    cold in a cold oven
    a cold pie

blackbird cluster
small pecks widen
my soul hole

certain of nothing 
you peel an orange

cloister bells
prison bar shadows
climb the walls

waxing crescent
the broken english 
of rabbits

burnt carrots
drop another bucket

78  your ancestor
    amongst pollen

undercover of darkness 
rock the boat

like something

all ajitter 
my face
falls down